I announced I'll be attending TIA this year too, well, I here.
We arrived on Sun 28th and was happy to see Profs Vavrus and Lesley around not forgetting Matthew and Bethany. This year many attending are not the familiar faces, reasons am told is because invitations were sent directly to schools not to individuals as it used to be.
Moshi is cold this time of the year and well, coming from Mang'ola where by any definition is a hot place, I can't bear the cold!
Good news is I've managed to get a network driver for my laptop. Coming to Moshi this time around was a blessing, ha!
This years' content is almost the same as it was last year, so for us who were here last year there a little new.
On the topics and new T/L methods and perspectives will be shared some other time, I've got a demonstration lesson to prepare!