The logo was adopted in 2007 to mark the passage of the United Nations World Diabetes Day Resolution.
It is a simple icon that can be easily adapted and widely adopted, the circle symbolizes life and health. The colour blue reflects the sky that unites all nations. The blue circle signifies the unity of the global diabetes community in response to the diabetes pandemic.
Let's take control of diabetes. Now.
2010 marks the second year of the five-year focus on 'Diabetes education and prevention", the theme selected by the International Diabetes Federation and the World Health Organization for World Diabetes Day 2009-2013.The campaign slogan is: "Let's take control of diabetes. Now."
For the general public and people at high risk of diabetes, the focus will be on raising awareness of diabetes and disseminating tools for the prevention of diabetes. For people with diabetes, the focus will be on disseminating tools to improve knowledge of diabetes in order to better understand the condition and prevent complications. For governments and policy-makers, efforts will focus on advocacy aimed at communicating the cost-effective implications of diabetes prevention strategies and promoting diabetes education as a core component of diabetes management and treatment.
The key messages of the campaign, developed for different target groups, are:
- Know the signs and symptoms of diabetes. Early diagnosis saves lives.
- Diabetes prevention and treatment is simple and cost-effective. Put it on top of the agenda.
- Your child could be affected. Know the warning signs. See your doctor to measure the risk.
- Enjoy an active life and prevent complications.