Dec 21, 2007
Season's Greetings
Dec 18, 2007
The School mag
I think I liked this....
Teacher’s my guardian, my way and my root of education. When you thresh your seed of origin ‘CHEMISTRY’ on me I play. Whatever you plant on me is for my grantage but for me this is the way it’s happen to me like this I do this and this are my results. Some of your word fell along the jokes, my foolishness trodden them and cover them with my wrapped carpet. Evil and bless my mind. I failed and make another trial the day, month a year passes like a ‘windstorm you’ advice me but this are my respond. In half of your advice of a fruitfully tree grew up with no root’s, when they started to grew because of my careless it dry up. in the days I tried, thorn grew with it and choked it.
Before you cleared your hands I get a shadow I reflect and this is my image. When you’re talking to me with my negligence they dry up. When i change I receive your seeds with joy but unluckily in tests they go away.
When I receive them fast stand by my own and my fruits are valueless. This is what happening to most of my fellow students and i. when you teach on the chalkboard at your back we make jokes. When you have test I sit at the back whispered you where serious I laugh twice .in my holiday chit my parents to go to tuition but not. When I have a speech or debate I act as I have no voice, troublesome and so on. Now I get and understand what you have said. But I’m too late. What about your future? Now I have to finish up form four brother’s and sister’s cry when I remember one day you said.”I will suffer with my companies why!”I come my self-wont turn my self’ it’s my fault, it’s my fault! How about you? By TWINS Doryn Doryc
Sis grad contd
2007: Started it inebriated, and 4 shots in the air... 2008:...?
first episode
I still remember it very well. ‘Twas around saa 5:49 usiku, when my mom woke me up from an alcohol-influenced slumber in the sitting on the sofa. At the time I had around 5 Serengetis and 3 Safaris plus a “kibinti”- an alias for the medium sized Konyagi. Woke up, wearily took dad´s double-barrelled hunting shotgun, four stout bullets and went out to shoot the sky! That´s how I received New Year 2007
Well, that year wasn´t bad though am not implying that it was that good! Anyway for your information during those festivities I broke my first spectacles: a 0.75x magnification piece of glass! In February I sat for my Nashunal Diploma in Education exams and done exceptional well; had 7 mind-numbing subjects, anything from child development to Azimio la Arusha to better ways of using the blackboard. Out of those I scored 2 As and rest Bs. Not too bad, aagh that was at Mwenge Univ College of Edu, spent less than two years struggling to be “enlightener”! A job that many Bongo Flava generation wish not to hear.
second episode
The gooda thing was I´d my first interview and job at Masama Girls´ Sec School two days before my exams. It was on Jumamosi and did my first paper on Monday. How cool? But well, not so cool, in fact I didn´t honour the appointment. Problem? I wish you´d known already, the “basket” as my Geo lecturer Mr. Magigi used to call it. Man, I´m the firstborn, having 5 other siblings, a 73-year old dad and mum. Now you expect me to land in a 154,000/= a month remuneration before tax, NSSF, leaders tea, CWT etc. etc. deductions? Hell no I couldn´t allow! Yeah I´d have free housing, lunch and whatnot but that wouldn´t be enough.
So I did my exams, one day after exams I presented myself to yet another interview at Edmund Rice Sinon Sec School in Arusha, Engo area some 6km away from town centre. It was Saturday when I met this Aussie, Br. Frank O´Shea, a Christian Brothers missionary with some 12 years in Tanzania, the headmaster. We talked and fortunately I´d gone through the net and got most of what I needed to know about the place. Attention for all job seekers, employers are usually happy when you show that you know one or two things about their company, org or school as in my case, do a research. Back to the endeavour, I got the job as easily. Well they needed me and I was from a prestigious college, they wanted to get the best of me and Mwenge! Here no housing, but fatter purse, aan 180000 bob was waiting. No deduction at this point as it is probationary period. In March I started job.
Aagh this year all are good things, there was this comrade of mine from the college, Chumwaki , he also had a job at the place. He started earlier than I did, so he was my man for that, I arrived, stayed with sis at Tangi la Maji for two days before we rent ours. The landlady is in the school board so it was easy. The house was big, with water and TANESCO power. We took double rooms at 20000 bob a month, power and water tariffs exclusive. That was going to be my home for some 4 months. There I bought my first piece of furniture, a 5ftx6ft, high polished mahogany bed at 150000/=. May be I was content may be not. I don´t really remember!
The job wasn´t very rewarding, you know shouting for some 80min to find out that only a fraction of the class really understood you, truant chaps, noise makers, disturbing moments and all that just remember I was a first timer so it wasn´t easy. But did it, taught Civics form 3, Geo form 3D (I dont mean three dimensions!) and English form 4B. The problem started when the probationary period ended and I was to sign a “long-lasting” contract. I was confident and hoped for a better deal, but that wasn´t the case. My contract document clearly stated that a new contract will be signed after a successful completion of the probationary period and after the parties have negotiated the salary and reaching a common ground. To my bolt from the blue when I got into this office I found that someone else has negotiated my salary for me, didn´t like it therefore didn´t sign it but stayed. Underground during all these moments I´d contact with a certain headmistress in Karatu so I was generally at ease, I was mull over the deals. Regrettably for ERSSS, well auspiciously for me I opt for Karatu. I wrote and marked end of the term exams, fill in the result sheets and parents report forms, clean heartedly. Took my double salaries for May and June, left for a Teaching In Action (TIA) seminar (workshop?) at MWUCE. I came back, reported to my boss, it was Jumatano, and on Friday I left for Mang’ola Chini, Anna Gamazo Sec School. The nastiest thing i did was that I didn´t say goodbye to no one than buddies Chumwaki, Juma and Emil, not even dad nor mom even my girlfriend at the time. The deal was better here, I´m sorry I haven´t reached the best deal as yet, free housing, water, generator power and a good pay I´d declare.
third episodeThat Friday I arrived was 06th of July signed my 6-months contact on 07th and started job on Monday 09th so now I´m here hoping to spend some more months before I go on with my search for best deal. Until then I´ll continue my chronicle as from 10th July to the end of the year.
Oct 31, 2007
Sis Grad @ Ondoa Ujinga Tz (OUT)
Oct 13, 2007
- At last barabara ya kuelekea Mang'ola mpaka hukoMatala Singida imeanza kutengenezwa. Sio kwa kiwango cha lami bali kukwanguliwa tu na kuongezwa tabaka la gravel. Hatua hii mbaya sana lakini watu wa malori hajafurahi biashara ndoh ivo tena itavamiwa na watu wenye hata pickup kubeba kitunguu cha Mang'ola,Malekchanda nk.
- Fomu kwa ajili ya kujiunga na Pre-form one zinatolewa. Bei shs 3000, sharti awe msichana (mwaka huu hatutaki boys for good!) aliyemaliza std 7 mwaka huu au uliopita. Entrance exam tar 10 Nov. KARIBU
The Mag afterall finished n out!

Sep 15, 2007
Teaching in Action
Sep 12, 2007

I wrote a poem for her
's like an announcement over PA
blaring loud and clearfor everybody to hear
yet there comes fear.
But if Father's home we're all wanting
death is the only way to go?
can't we get used!
Anna Gamazo Sec
BY Nemayan David
Edited by Hyasinter Tarimo
As the matter of speaking, they normally say science subjects are difficult, other say they are not understandable and some are saying they need a tolerant person. Is it true? Can we accept the slogan? Why shouldn’t we do something?
Science subject especially mathematics is immense problem in our academic ‘safari’. It can be identified that, this is the problem of the whole world. According my research, I discovered that the thing which pushes back science subjects is “LAZINESS’’. Most of the students do not struggle and they do not bother to disturb their mind.
Apart from laziness, also there is lack of cooperation among students and between teachers and students. Obvious students do not want to listen to what they are told by their teachers. They are obstinate to practice their responsibility.
To have a good performance in this subject, laziness should be abolished, also having cooperation between teachers and students.
Also it needs a lot of time in doing revision of what has been taught in the classes. If Kifungilo why not Anna Gamazo? So bear in your mind that;
Anna Gamazo Sec
By Wenseslaus John
Mang´ola RC church should be given reputation congratulation and grateful for the necessities done by this church here in mangola. This church under two priests Pepe and Michael they have brought changes in Mang´ola.
In terms of believes this church was trying to change people from their wrong believes that have been conducted by their leaders. At the beginning there were few worshipers compared to nowadays. Also RC church tried to expand its branches so as to make good word of the God known to the people.
Father Michael and Pepe did this for their coming to Mang´ola we know Mang’ola has endemic diseases like malaria due to this disease majority of people have died without any treatment but after the coming of these Fathers they got an idea of building a hospital which after building they found skilled people to work there.
At this time the hospital christened “Askofu Hando” is under the supervision of Miguel and Pepe also this hospital has developed in technology for the treatment of sick people because now the hospital has the well equipped laboratories, X ray room and operation room and enough medicine for treatment compare to the beginning.
Also on the other hand these two priest saw that there another problem that the people of Mang’ola needed education that could help them to manage their life so they built a secondary school called ANNA GAMAZO SECONDARY SCHOOL their supervision and stills this school is progressing enough while it is going to have Advanced level (A-level) students this year 2007 according to their good supervision they have enabled to bring good teachers who are teaching very well compare to the results of form two national examinations in 2004, 2005 and 2006 also the form four results in 2006 the school has tried to give the students more tests in order to do well in their examinations
Therefore these two priests should be given more respect and congratulation for what they have done in Mang’ola for their coming to Mang’ola in 1993 when Mang’ola was like unknown area that people can not live compare to now day’s Mang´ola is still developing day after day in the stimulation brought by these priests.
Jul 29, 2007
Nipo Mang'ola Chini
Huku wamejaa WaTindiga, WaIrawq, na makabila mengine hasa yale ya Stone Age
pia WaChagga wapo wengi na ndio wamiliki wakubwa, kama kawaida yao, wa maduka na baa.
Climate ya huku very frustating, you can't tell whether its semi-desert, but it has a valley whose land produces hefty.
Shule iko financed na lady toka Spain called Anna Gamazo thru her organisation called AGH (Anna Gamazo Humanitarian Foundation?) well kitu kama hiyo.
Kama kawida nafundisha Geo na Eng, classes are smaller here and students though not very able but can!
Next taim!!
Jun 20, 2007
MWUCE shall live in me!

This is the way (road?) to the dorms; on this one some friends in Y1 diploma, (L) Agripina and (R) Rosalia

This another 's SantaClaus and Agripina, one of the my favourite girls. 'Twas in the night, full of 'boob', we were having Serengetiz kwa kwenda front that day. See the man....
Jun 19, 2007
Na MissMacha yupo!
Nimepa-miss 'home'

Started yesterday morning with address from the Principal and the #1 case study was 'Large Classes' presented by Mr Nnzao. 'Twas fine though started boring. More news later I'm going for lunch
May 30, 2007
May 29, 2007
The GraveSide
- Lost my phone
- It started late
- Hated being there
- Hated being there
- Bit boring; same, the taught and ‘taughter’! read Freire
What had me there!
- Programme: English Teachers’ Workshop (ETW)
- Venue: Makumira Secondary School
- Facilitator: Mr. Tamamu, Deputy Zonal Inspector of Schools, Northern Zone.
- Theme: Strategies for Presenting Language III texts.
How it went
- Introductions; just your name and school you are from as plain as that, my name is so and so from there! (do not ask me what I expected!)
Do you know what are frozen relations? So we started off the day with an Ice breaker:
a. What dries as it gets wet?
Towel, tissue paper
b. How many eyes do you have?
Two (2)! Damnit that’s obvious! even a blind would say so. Be ‘eyes’ though this is a distracter.
c. Which river in the world has four ‘aiz’?
People were caught and started asking which ‘ai’ but the answer was the Mississippi. Therefore the idea of Homo-phones, nyms, graphs etc. - Then followed a Warm up activity; facilitator was really pressing on this that teachers do apply this in class. An example; gone into a class that had Maths the preceded period, got in, start right away with your English lesson! Phew!
So we did an activity on Anagrams: more on wordsmith
Sort out the following anagrams as shown in the example below:-
Change agree into another word for keen= eager
Now you can do this:
Change asleep into word used by polite people
Change beard into something you eat
Change below into part of the body
Change bleat into an item of furniture
Change cheap into fruit
Change swap into an insect
Change thing into time of day
Change cruelty into word for knives, forks, etc.
Change chain into a country
Change flog into a popular sport
Change flow into (a) an animal (b) a bird
Change super into something you keep money
Change lamp into another part of the body
Change hated into something that comes to everybody
Change rat into a substance used in making tarmac roads
More on anagrams on the net including this one from, I liked this site, this one creates anagram after you've put a word. To be honest being a student is one of the most few sweet things in the world that I enjoy - Now to the THEME
Some questions rose as ‘why should it be called lang. III?’ etc. (any guess?)
Some flashback followed thing like
The theory of Literature
The definition:- artistic use of lang. to reflect social realities.
More on Internet Public Lib and on Wiki
Marriage has lot of problems (plain lang.)
A husband is a band to bind your life
A wife is a knife to cut your life
So we agreed that literature is
- Imaginative
- Artistic
- Uses lang. as medium
- Expresses social experiences, realities, problems etc. political, cultural, economic etc.
Then followed lengthy discussion on figures of speech; similes, metaphor, hyperbole, irony, satire, and well you know ‘em. <more on fig. o speech; activity, wiki
We went through topics as Literature and Society and saw that lit. develops from the society as it draws political etc. experiences from that society. Consider Hugh Langston’s
‘The Ballad of the Landlord’ or Claude Makaay’s ‘If we must Die’.
Followed by Literature and Culture and concluded that lit. is an expression of culture. Consider ‘Three Suitors one Husband’ and Ngugi wa Thiongo’s ‘The River Between’.
We then did Types of Lit.(oral written), their differences, Forms/Genres of Lit. ( non-fiction fiction drama poetry), form and content, and wind up with Functions of lit. (didactic aesthetic)
The day was steamy and hot, we took a break.
The following session was mainly on teaching strategies and methods; specifically how to get pupils interested, motivated etc.
The facilitator introduced two excellent methods on ‘Characters and characterization’ namely; Name dropping and Cross Word puzzle.
An example of Name dropping taken from 'Things Fall Apart'
I innocent
K knowledgeable
E energetic
M martyr
E entertaining
F friendly
U unexpectedly meets death
N naive
A adaptable
After general introduction and quick explanation of the two method we got into work; trying to create the two activities using different texts. Before we left we had to display what we did in the groups, I enjoyed group work dearly.
May 24, 2007
Bwawa la maini!!
May 18, 2007
Mwl. Chum wah key upo?
No idea!
May 2, 2007
Apr 23, 2007
Sanaa ni Kioo

Apr 13, 2007
Ze Dustbin!
Ndugu wadau haka kaPasaka kanakoishia-ishia nilikuwa mgombani aka Moshi. Leo naandika kwa sababu kuna vitu viwili hivi nilivyoviona nataka ku-share.
Kwanza, usafi. Inawezekana na ninakubali kuwa Moshi ni kamji kadogo, pia hakana population kubwa hasa ikifika jioni kwani waChagga wote hukimbilia Machame, Marangu, Kiwoso, Mwika na kwingineko kulala lakini jamani Moshi kusafi. Kilichonivutia zaidi ni hawa akina mama wauza ndizi mbivu. Wako wengi siku hizi pale Moshi. Wanatembeza ndizi zao kichwani mji mzima. Wao tofauti na sehemu nyingine, ukinunua ndizi na ukaonyesha dalili kwamba utaila hapohapo, watakusubiri umenye, ule halafu wachukue ganda. Nilimuona mmoja kabeba ndizi kwenye sijui tenga lile? Pamoja na maganda yake. Halafu akafika kwenye “dustbin” (Kiswahili hapa nini?, kopo la taka?; kiwekea taka?; Msaada kwenye tuta!) nakumbuka ilikuwa ni pale Kibo Coffee Bar, akasimama aka-unload maganda aliyokusanya kwenye mizunguko yake akaondoka. Umombo hapa ; I was really moved!
Pili, vitambulisho kwa chingaz pale bus stand. Kumbe hili nalo linawezekana, kuwawezesha vijana wajasiriamali kutambulika kama waajiriwa wengine. Pale kituo kikuu cha mabasi wana kautaratibu ambako kamenifurahisha. All chingaz aka wamachinga aka marching guys/ladies wana vitambulisho na sare? (uniform). Wauza mkate, wauza matunda wote, moja wanavaa makoti (kama yale ya waganga) meupe au hudhurungi mgongoni ymeandikwa kwa maandishi makubwa:
- Muuza mikate Stend: Fuata sheria za Stendi
- Muuza matunda (ndizi?): Fuata sheria za Stendi
- Chinga Room No. XX: Fuata sheria za Stendi
Mbili wana vitambulisho vyenye picha, jina na stamp ya meneja wa stand. Safi hiyo!
Mimi nafikiri hii ni changamoto kwa town councils, municipalities na city councils nyingine hapa TZ na East Africa kwa ujumla na pia kwetu cityzens kwamba usafi unaanza na sisi wenyewe. Halafu baadae waje site (soma ilivyo sio neno la kiIngereza) au manispaa.
Mar 23, 2007
So wadau, be informed that I’ll be coming to you live from ERSSS in A-town. I’m getting to know around and I think there will be much to talk about over few days.
At present I’m teaching something like 25 periods a week. Geography in F.3 D, Civics in Form 3 (About 200 kids!) and English in Form 4 B. To be honest I never wanted to do any Civics whatsoever, but well I’m doing it. Be told, the thing is boring and I really hate it and it does hate me too, equally!
Feb 8, 2007
The 'un'grad Grad-new
Its just a 'kokoto' you know dis days even in kindergarten they are wearing this big, black, ugly, unfitting gown. @@##$%^^**&&Y(*((
Feb 4, 2007
The 'un'grad Grad-contd
Feb 3, 2007
(Ma)geuzi/pinduzi ya Web 2.0
Lakini ni nini hasa, hebu jifunze hapa
Feb 2, 2007
The 'un'grad Grad-contd
Siku ya grad nlikuwa na cam, ndugu yangu askwambie mtu kalinipa shida sana hasa kupata pics za watu important kama liMbwambo(kulia) shot kabisa ni Digna-deg 2 na Emma.
Yeye: Oya Nderu ntakubonda #$%^&* zako!
Wao: Mwache apige afu tunataka tuone tutatokaje! Eti utaziprint?
Mimi: Mwana tulia basi, weka na pozi afu tuone ztatoka vp mbona unataka kumind ishu zenyewe laini tuu....
The 'un'grad Grad-contd
Ke: Nauliza hivi, ulivyovaa ndivyo tulivyoagana jana?
Me: Usimind mbona mambo madogo. Ile ingine ntavaa baada ya mass, c unajua tena!
Ke: Aka! nnchosema kabadilishe au nkumind asa ivi*&^%$#
Me: Poa basi niko na masela unnrusha au we huoni?
(Sasa ndugu msomaji nsaidie kumalizia haka ka dialogue)
Shoto kule ni Emily Macha na misez Veronica Mahaja
The 'un'grad Grad-contd
IPCC reports today on Global Warming
The concern: the report by the IPCC, formed in 1988 by the UN, it is tasked to carry out studies on the causes, impacts, and propose practical solutions as to ‘climate change’ (the term is considered to be more ‘appealing’ not as scary as ‘global warming’). Today in Paris the panel after consultations that lasted for some 4 good days issued their long awaited report and as expected, placed the blame on the ‘humans we’ ,for unscrupulous we are, have fueled the trend with our greed, ignorance, lustfulness. The world is energy hungry. Our economies depend on fossil fuel. And yet some wouldn’t buy the call to minimize, to switch to alternative cleaner, efficient energy sources,
As Time and Newsweek have reported
Scientists know and have confirmed that climate change isn’t as new but the speed that is witnessed at this time is the problem. Climate change has been there since time immemorial and that’s why we don’t have dinosaurs no more and lot other creature and plants.
Now the problem is at the new study which was conducted by more than 60 scientists from all over the world. In less than 90 years to come there would be an increase of around 1.1 degrees Celsius to 6.4 degrees Celsius!! Dead we be!!
Now should we run, move to an alien planet? Or we stay and face the results our mess. It has to be everybody’s role and concern to do something for the good for our lovely sick Earth. For centuries she has protected, fed, enrich us without grudges, now what are you doing to see her not perish but continuing to flourish and be a good place to live for you and the coming generations? May be the damage cannot be repaired but we halt the destruction.
It can be done; you just have to play your part!!
Jan 31, 2007
Jan 23, 2007
Jan 21, 2007
Ima and 'Shem':Karibu!!

She came with Ima (guessed anything yet?) Basi when she was browsing Ima akaamua kujichimbia na gazeti kunako makochi makali ya library.
Hii shoot ala hakuistukia. Comment on pozi if you can!

Hapa ni Maria, humjui lakini ntakwambia next taim. Ka email kake kalikuwa kamekufa akakafufua na kutuma bonge(sijui niseme ndefu?) la email. Safi hiyo!
Jan 17, 2007
Of Being 'Africanist'
I saw this in the Kenyan daily; ‘The Standard’ dated Monday, January 15th 2007. Nikaona bora ni-share ili mchangie. Me? Well, I think it holds water. It has touched what I always battle with my old man, a veteran teacher-cum-inspector and area commissioner.
It’s an interview so it starts with a question, well framed I’d say.
Too much wealth, yet so much poverty
Q. Aren’t there good jobs any more?
A. Education systems during the colonial times were designed to produce civil servants for the government. After
Q. What really contributes to
A. We have received a lot of money but we are still talking about poverty. This is very confusing. Many African countries are still talking about tackling the same problem of 50 years ago. The Millennium Goals are promises African leaders were giving when we got independence, but this time thinly veiled. The whole aid debate is about shutting down the concept of letting somebody else fix our problems, and promoting one where we take responsibility for our problems---we are the ones with the problem, so we must fix it. (Applause!!)
Q. Do you believe in the so-called African solution for African problems?
A. I agree with this statement if it means getting Africans to solve their own problems. But this does not necessarily means there is an African solution. If, for instance, we have seen
Jan 16, 2007
The Episode:Joji Kichaka v. Saa-damu
Sasa baada ya Saddam nduguze nao wamefuata . Mmoja akawa miscalculated mpaka shingo ikang'oka . Sijui lakini nafikiri its too bad. Soma mwenyewe
Way last week I vowed not to watch, listen or read news sasa we kila siku ni Iraq, Somalia, Darfur, War, hangings, coups, dictators aagh me is now tired.
Some useful stuff!!
Why you should (must?) use the Internet…
Internet provides current News and Information as you want and more!
E.g. will the execution of Saddam be a solution to
Is the
Good for your study Enhancements and Proofs.
Become confident with your subject contents accompanied with logical proofs. Enrich yourself with all current, up-to-date changes in every field e.g. Why Pluto is no longer a planet, Sigmund Freud is not dead in Psychological applications, Scientists studying DNA have discovered how to remove unwanted hereditary genes, and how to solve Linear programming through shortcuts and many more!!
Advanced, world-class virtual Communication
Send your friends, relatives and just anybody e-mails, Chat with people all round the world, make phone calls, send and share your holiday photos, buy and sell items…… and lot more.
Publicize yourself to the world, be known and heard!!
It is easy and sometimes free; you can create your own website, contribute to Wikipedia and become a
Share your hobbies, interests, ideas, discoveries, visions and just anything to the world.
The World is wide but made smaller!!
Globalization is speedy and doesn’t wait for anybody. Brace up. In this globalized village people are becoming closer and closer. You can take a virtual tour to any location in the world while seated at your desk and even more…
Kudos to Araphat' Mzee wa Migongo' the above was to sensitize MWUCE students to get use of the internet service at the college!! Good job man!!